How to get started on your German – English translation or copywriting project.

Prepare your German source document

Decide upon the content you want to reproduce in English. For translation projects, ensure that the German content is correct and complete. (For copywriting projects, you may prefer to produce an outline).

Choose who to work with

Choose an expert in English to work with. Ideally you are looking for someone with expertise in your subject area and someone who you like. Preferably an English native speaker with translation/ copywriting experience. Choosing a professional translator or copywriter who is a member of a professional organisation helps you to know that they have the necessary translation or copywriting skills.

Prepare your brief

Your brief should include as much background information as you have, such as:

  • What is the key message you are trying to convey?
  • Who are your target readers? If you don’t have a specific group in mind and are tempted to say ‘general’, think about who your existing customers are, where they come from, what types of groups they are (families, groups, individuals), and what their jobs and interests are.
  • Where will it be published and in what format?
  • Details about your brand. Positioning, messaging, tone of voice, unique selling points. Any information you have made for your German marketing will be relevant to your English marketing too. If you already have produced glossaries and style guides they will be very helpful.
  • Mention anything else that is important to you or that you are worried about.

Decide whether your document is critical

Critical documents may need to be reviewed by a second professional translator to minimise the risk of any errors slipping through.

Agree upon a deadline

You will have a better-quality outcome if there is enough time to fully prepare and review your document, so ensure you allow for a realistic deadline.

Confirm the quotation

Once you have discussed all of the above with your English expert they should provide you with a quotation to sign off before work begins.

What happens next?

Your English expert begins work on your project. You may need to answer queries as work progresses (if you are not available, arrange for a contact person to be available to do so). Your document should be delivered before the agreed deadline.

2 services for you:

  1. German to English translation services: I guide you through the process of understanding what is needed and then produce a translation in line with your business standards. Find it HERE.
  2. German to English Copywriting: I can write English copy from scratch according to your outline, or loosely based on your German copy. Find it HERE.

Hi! Thanks for reading!

My name is Nina Hasinski and I’m the owner and translator at Ideal Words.

I specialise in helping German-speaking tourism businesses with their English translations and copywriting projects.

If you’d like to find out more about my services and how I can help your business then contact me to discuss your ideas.

– Nina Hasinski